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My Faithful Lord

Worship You More

Touch Me and See

Lovely Beautiful Jesus

My faithful Lord
Day after day You are beside me
My faithful Lord
Night after night You’re watching over me
My faithful Lord
Sin after sin You still forgive me
My faithful Lord
Storm after storm You come and hold my hand

And when I’m afraid
I climb into Your arms and You carry me
Never alone, safe within Your arms

My faithful Lord
Day after day You are beside me
My faithful Lord
Night after night You’re watching over me

And when we’re alone
I sing my song to You and You’re listening
Longing to be looking in Your eyes

My faithful Lord
Sin after sin You still forgive me
My faithful Lord
Storm after storm You come and hold my hand
You come and hold my hand
Come now and hold my hand

Jesus, I long to be the person you desire
A heart that wants to praise you
A life that shows your love
So often I am wrapped up in my selfishness
and pride
Forgetting you are right here
I’ve wasted so much time

Lord I want to have a heart
to worship you more
Lord I want to have a heart
to worship you more
All I have to offer you is failure once again
But I want to worship you more

Can you forgive me, Lord
for living on my own
Trying to live my way
Neglecting what you’ve done
You poured out your life for me
to set me free from this
I’m lost here in my own life
Take me once again

Lord I want to have a heart
to live for you more
Lord I want to have a heart
to live for you more
All I have to offer you is failure once again
But I want to live for you more

Lord I want to have a heart
to worship you more
Lord I want to have a heart
to worship you more
All I have to offer you is failure once again
But I want to worship you more

The doors were locked out of fear for their lives
Their master had been crucified
The disciples had huddled together to pray
All but one was there that night
When Jesus stood there among them
He showed them his hands and his side
They were bursting with joy
as they told their dear brother,
“Thomas, he is alive!”
But he said, “I will not believe it
You must be telling a lie
Unless I can touch
where the nails pierced his hands
And place my hand in his side.”

Well, for one week he would not believe them
Till they were gathered again in that place
And though the doors were locked again,
Jesus stood there among them
And Thomas, he fell to his face

(Jesus said) Touch me and see
Place your hand in the nail scars
Touch me and see
Where the sword pierced my side
Touch me and see
Yes! I have arisen
Touch me and see
Touch me and see

Well, many are doubting like Thomas
They just find it hard to believe
But if you’ll only reach out
to those nail-scarred hands
You can know it—it’s by faith you’ll receive

(And he says) Touch me and see
A life with a purpose
Touch me and see
Everlasting life
Touch me and see
Your sins are forgiven
Touch me and see
Touch me and see

Touch me and see
Hope and direction
Touch me and see
Strength for each day
Touch me and see
Yes! I am arisen
Touch me and see
Touch me and see

Lovely, beautiful Jesus
Lovely, beautiful Jesus
My Savior and friend
My beautiful Jesus

Like the first crocus that blooms in the spring
Like the first cry of a babe
Like the smile on the face of the one that I love
You’re beautiful, beautiful

Lovely, beautiful Jesus
Lovely, beautiful Jesus
My Savior and friend
My beautiful Jesus

Like the sweet fragrance of lilacs in bloom
Like the bright mountains of fall
Like the snow softly falling in silence of night
You’re beautiful, beautiful

Lovely, beautiful Jesus
Lovely, beautiful Jesus
My Savior and friend
My beautiful Jesus